The masses loved him because he loved them. 'Good-natured; vallal' will invariably be the response that you would get, when you utter his name. And all of us know that it is not an exaggeration. He was known for his humanity and love for fellow human beings. The following incident is only one of thousands of others, when his good nature came to the fore.
One of the technicians on the sets of Urimai Kural got the message of the death of his mother. He informed MGR and was about to leave for performing the last rites. MGR was moved to tears. He held the technician by his hand and consoled him. His quality of helping the distressed surfaced immediately and gave Rs.10,000/- to meet the expenses. The technician hesitated. 'Please give me this opportunity of partaking in your grief. I am doing this as a matter of filial duty to your mother,' said MGR. The technician was moved to tears. Was it due to this nice and timely gesture and the kindest of words or was it due to his personal loss, is anybody's guess.
Years rolled past and MGR became the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. The same technician had come to see him. MGR was leaving for the Secretariat, in his car. There was a big crowd at the gate and the technician could not reach him. The car had already started rolling. Fortunately, MGR chanced to see him and stopped the car. He called him to his side. The technician handed him an invitation for his son's marriage and requested his presence. MGR was all smiles and assured him that he would attend, if time permitted. He gave him a bag as the car accelerated. The technician could not believe his eyes when he saw that it contained one lakh! After all, he came to meet MGR and invite him. Nothing more than that. He did not even imagine that he would receive such a huge amount. He was ever more grateful when MGR attended the marriage to bless the couple.
His colourful life was full of such incidents. He believed strongly in helping the masses, the oppressed and the distressed. The reason why he is loved by the masses and even worshipped. Kind-heartedness and love for fellow human beings are becoming rare qualities. No wonder his memory is celebrated to this day.
By S. Vijayan
Translated by Hari Krishnan